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Set Your Brain Waves Aglow With Nobel Laureates; Mark Your Diaries Sept 11-12

Curiosity-driven students, research scholars, teachers and innovators from the Northern states, here comes once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity to set your scientific tube lights aglow and strengthen your resolve to find practical solutions to present and future problems and issues facing society. For the first time ever the Nobel Prize Series-India is coming to Mohali (September 11) and Ludhiana (September 12) with panel discussions, key note speeches and Q&A sessions in the company of Nobel Laureates and other eminent scientists and educators. A third leg of the series will also be held in New Delhi on September 13.

The 3rd edition of the series in India will also feature the world premiere of a new month-long travelling exhibition “For The Greatest Benefit To Humankind” from Nobel Prize Museum, which will demonstrate contributions of Nobel Laureates. While the September 11 and 12 programmes are by invitation only, the exhibition will be thrown open to the general public from September 12.

Set Your Brain Waves Aglow With Nobel Laureates; Mark Your Diaries Sept 11-12

Photos By : Life In Chandigarh

Among the panellists confirmed for the Nobel Prize Series-India 2019 is Serge Haroche, a Professor Emeritus at College de France, who won the Nobel Physics Prize 2012. His main research activities have been in quantum optics and quantum information science. The other Nobel Laureate to confirm his participation is our very own Kailash Satyarthi, who was presented the Nobel Peace Prize 2014, recognising his tireless global advocacy of children’s rights for four decades.

Set Your Brain Waves Aglow With Nobel Laureates; Mark Your Diaries Sept 11-12

Serge Haroche

Another panellist is Juleen Zierath, professor of clinical integrative physiology and a member of the Nobel Committee at Karolinsla Institutet.


Set Your Brain Waves Aglow With Nobel Laureates; Mark Your Diaries Sept 11-12

Nobel Prize website  also lists Laura Sprechmann, CEO of Nobel Media, as a panellist.

Set Your Brain Waves Aglow With Nobel Laureates; Mark Your Diaries Sept 11-12

Kailash Satyarthi

Briefing a news conference on Wednesday, Dr TR Sharma, Executive Director of NABI (National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute), Mohali and Dr Jatinder Kaur Arora, Executive Director PSCST (Punjab State Council for Science & Technology), said invitations had been sent out to educational institutions in Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Jammu & Kashmir. However, a limited number of approximately 500-600 students and research scholars, in addition to 600 to 700 teachers and early career faculties, are expected to be able to participate in the Noble Prize Series-India 2019 in Mohali and Ludhiana.   

Set Your Brain Waves Aglow With Nobel Laureates; Mark Your Diaries Sept 11-12

Juleen Zierath

They said a few lakh students, research scholars, teachers and members of the general public with a scientific bent of mind are expected to visit and benefit from the month long exhibition to be thrown open at NABI, Mohali from September 12 onwards. Experts will be at hand to explain to the visitors the various exhibits. Entry is free. The exhibition from Nobel Prize Museum will highlight how science has made the world a better place, and showcase discoveries and achievements that have saved lives, fed humanity, connected people and protected plants, they added.

Dr Sharma and Dr Arora informed that special care is being taken to ensure that the communication between the experts and the participants and visitors is in the local language, and hence effective.

Set Your Brain Waves Aglow With Nobel Laureates; Mark Your Diaries Sept 11-12

Laura Sprechmann

The Series 2019 will be jointly inaugurated by the Union Minister for Science and Technology, Earth Sciences and Health and Family Welfare and the Chief Minister of Punjab at NABI Mohali on September 11.

The Nobel Prize Series has been brought to India under a MoU signed between the Department of Biotechnology (DBT) of the Ministry of Science & Technology, GOI, and Nobel Media AB, Sweden to run the series over five years. It’s an initiative which brings together Nobel Laureates and eminent scientists to stimulate innovation and creative thinking amongst young students of science. The 1st edition of the series in India was held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat in 2017, followed by the 2nd edition in Panjim, Goa in 2018. 

The 3rd edition of the series, with the theme “Teaching & Learning”, is being organised in partnership with Punjab Government at NABI Mohali and Punjab Agriculture University (PAU) Ludhiana.  

Series Philosophy

Education is the key to the future of humanity. By making education accessible to everyone, we can make sure that no human potential goes waste. Through education we ensure that today’s students are ready to deal with the problems of tomorrow.

Many Nobel Laureates talk about how teachers have introduced them to the world of science, literature and peace, and how mentors have played a role in their success. The Nobel Prize shows how humanity can change the world for the better – and it starts with education. Investing in education is investing in the future.

The Events

Sept 11, NABI Mohali

Teacher Summit (by invitation only)

The Nobel Prize shows that ideas can change the world. It demonstrates how courage, creativity and perseverance of the Nobel Laureates can affect our future and offer us a sense of hope. The Nobel Prize’s unique combination of fields – science, literature and peace – is a great inspiration to both engagement and knowledge. At the Teacher Summit, teachers meet Nobel Laureates, scientists and educators to learn more about how the Nobel Prize can be an inspiration in education.

They will discuss how to keep improving education to make every student reach his or her top potential. How did the Nobel Laureates learn all the things they needed to make such a difference to the world? What do they think are important skills and methods in teaching?

Exhibition Inauguration (by invitation only)

‘For The Greatest Benefit To Humankind’ will show how science, literature and peace efforts are capable of improving and changing the world. The exhibition will focus on four themes that explore topics of major importance in our era: ‘Saving Lives, ‘Feeding Humanity’, ‘Protecting The Planet’ and ‘Connecting The World’. The exhibition will be thrown open to the public from September 12.

Dialogue (by invitation only)

The dialogue will offer a mixed programme consisting of panel discussions, keynote speeches and Q&A sessions. Participating in the programme will be the Nobel Laureates and a member of the Nobel Committee.

Sept 12, PAU Ludhiana

Nobel Prize Lectures

Serge Haroche, 2012 Physics Laureate, and Juleen Zierath, Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Nobel Assembly, will deliver lectures on various themes. The lectures will be followed by student round table discussions.

Sept 13, New Delhi

Tinkering Lab With Kailash Satyarthi

Tinkering labs have been set up across India as an initiative to inspire young children to innovate through hands-on approach in a playful technology environment. Kailash Satyarthi will be visiting a Tinkering lab in New Delhi, meeting a new generation of curious and creative innovators.  by APR Media House is an enjoyable digital reading startup, which keeps you abreast of the latest meaningful happenings of interest to large sections of folks in Chandigarh tricity, and expats from the region. It has been promoted by a public spirited senior journalist and media consultant with a view to encourage good quality and healthy journalism, a dire need of the times.

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Set Your Brain Waves Aglow With Nobel Laureates; Mark Your Diaries Sept 11-12
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Set Your Brain Waves Aglow With Nobel Laureates; Mark Your Diaries Sept 11-12


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